An excerpt from Patriarch Abune Mathias’s recent interview with TMH

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An excerpt from Patriarch Abune Mathias’s recent interview with TMH

Post by africangear »

ከብጹዕ ወቅዱስ አቡነ ማቲያስ ፓትርያርክ ርእሰ ሊቃነ ጳጳሳት ዘኢትዮጵያ ሊቀ ጳጳስ ዘአክሱም የተላለፈ ወቅታዊ መልእክት!

I'm here to share my deepest sorrow about the video we have recent seen of inhuman deed of burning Tigrayans alive in Benshangul Gumuz by Ethiopian government forces and Amhara Fano's. This is a very barbaric act of burning humans alive which have shocked us all.

Since the start of the war on Tigray, we have seen countless acts of all kinds of crimes against humanity acted upon the Tigray people by the Ethiopian and Eritrean troops together with the forces from the Amahara region. We are seeing children crying in their mothers’ arms and perishing from starvation, like dried leaves. We are seeing their weeping mothers unable to even breastfeed them because the mothers themselves are starving. We have grown accustomed to it. But now, to make matters worse, we are seeing a person being thrown into the fire alive, like firewood while he is still alive and seeing [conscious]. This truly makes you despise being created. Why were we created?

The war, that was started to annihilate Tigrayans, to destroy Tigrayans, to eradicate them from the face of the earth has now spread across Ethiopia and is bringing instability, unrest, famine, and trouble in most parts of Ethiopia. There is a lot of instability, unrest, and death occurring in Oromia, Benshangul Gumuz, and various areas. It is spreading everywhere, everyone is being affected by the war. This is something that is deeply troubling...
There is limitless hate, beyond measure [but] a country cannot be built on hate, it will only collapse. Who profits from hate? from killing each other? Who is the person who profits from that? It seems like the battle is against God himself...

My sorrow is deep. This is a loss for all Ethiopians but particularly a loss for the people of Tigray. The suffering is now gradually spreading across all of Ethiopia. This must be stopped. World leaders are saying enough is enough and are asking Ethiopia to stop this aggression. People are dying of hunger in Tigray! People in Tigray are now eating only green leaves to survive this manmade famine. People in Tigray are deprived of basic services, including medical service which is causing many deaths daily. Why is it not possible for us to feel forgiveness or compassion for each other and save the people from killing each other?

May God bring his mercy. May God give us his peace and love. May God save us from eating (destroying) each other alive.

Patriarch Abune Mathias.png

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