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French researcher Mehdi Labzaé publishes a detailed report on the ethnic cleansing policy in Western Tigray (Ethiopia)

Posted: Sat Mar 23, 2024 10:27 pm
by africangear
Dr. Mehdi Labzaé, a researcher in political science at the French CNRS has produced a harrowing report on “The ethnic cleansing policy in Western Tigray since nov. 2020”. Dr Labzaé, who speaks Amharic, has observed the events on the spot, and later interviewed more than a hundred key witnesses.

“[The] document presents a list of massacres that happened in this context. ASF [Amhara Special Forces] and fanno [Amhara irregulars] were the main perpetrators of the killings, but ENDF troops stationed in the zone did nothing to protect civilians. Eritrean troops took part in the killings, notably by assisting for gathering victims and transporting them to execution fields. On some occasions, Eritreans also pushed for the deportation of people that fanno forces first intended to kill. All massacres happened under the Wolqayt Committee/ Prosperity Party administration of the zone.”
From his observations and analysis, Dr. Mehdi Labzaé concludes “that the killings were planned, coordinated, and implemented as part as a wider policy of ethnic cleansing led by the same administration.”

Find Dr Mehdi Labzaé’s report here.